13 Marvel "What If" Stories That Totally Came True

    "What if" indeed...

    1. Um... It's the Fantastic FOUR, not the Fantastic FIVE.

    Marvel Comics
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    Marvel Comics

    2. Daredevil's crime fighting career would be RUINED if anyone found out that he's blind. They'd probably have to cancel the series!

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    Marvel Comics

    3. Lol. Intelligent Hulk doesn't even make sense. Nobody will read that.

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    4. Jane Foster? As Thor? Not likely.

    Marvel Comics
    Marvel Comics
    Marvel Comics

    5. Can you even imagine a world where Spider-Man was anyone but Peter Parker. Man, Marvel would have to be out of their minds to create an entire comic event out of that idea.

    Marvel Comics
    Marvel Comics
    Marvel Comics

    6. The only thing more insane than Thunderbolt Ross becoming the Hulk would be if he somehow turned into some kind of red Hulk. Too crazy to even imagine.

    Marvel Comics
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    7. This is too farfetched. How would that even work? What, would Hulk somehow visit some alien gladiator planet and become some sort of barbarian conqueror in charge of his own world?

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    Marvel Comics

    8. Can you even imagine?! What, he'd be some sort of scarlet spider or something? Nonsense.

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    Marvel Comics
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    9. Doctor Doom and good guy? Ha! Next you'll be telling me that he joins the Fantastic Four!

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    10. Imagine a world where Logan lives to be some kind of Old Man, and somehow manages to kill Hulk! Ha ha! Sorry, never mind. That's too crazy to even consider.

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    Marvel Comics

    11. I mean, Beast already has a pretty interesting look. I can't imagine how he'd transform any more than he already has.

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    Marvel Comics
    Marvel Comics

    12. Um, yeah right. Wolverine would never be caught dead working for S.H.I.E.L.D.!

    Marvel Comics
    Marvel Comics
    Marvel Comics

    13. If Peter Parker and Mary Jane ever split up, love would truly be dead.

    Marvel Comics
    Marvel Comics
    Marvel Comics