24 Reasons Fort Collins, Colorado Is The Greatest City On Earth

    Wherever you are, it's not Fort Collins. Unless you're in Fort Collins, of course.

    1. First things first, Fort Collins is home to some of the best microbreweries in the world.

    A short list of microbreweries in Fort Collins:

    -New Belgium Brewing

    -Odell Brewing Company


    -The Fort Collins Brewery

    -Black Bottle Brewery

    -Freedom's Edge Brewing Company

    -Equinox Brewing

    2. But also, home to one of the best major breweries in the world as well.

    3. It’s pretty much the beer capital of the world. (Sorry Belgium.) We like beer so much, we throw a party called the Brewers’ Festival every year where downtown essentially shuts down so everyone can get drunk in the streets.

    4. If ALL THAT isn’t enough, you can always show your appreciation for both beer and biking by “racing” in the Tour de Fat.

    5. Speaking of bikes, there’s bike paths all over the god damned place in Fort Collins.

    6. Actually, if the Great Outdoors is your thing, Fort Collins has tons of it. Hiking? Yeah, we’ve got that.

    7. Rock climbing? Yeah, that too.

    8. Mountain biking? Believe it.

    9. Kayaking? Yep, try Horsetooth Reservoir.

    10. Slightly more difficult kayaking? Why not give the Poudre River a go?

    11. Fort Collins is so idyllic and picturesque, even Walt Disney looked to us as an example.

    That’s right! The part of Disney parks called “Main Street, U.S.A." that's meant to look and feel like an ideal American town was inspired by and designed to look like downtown Fort Collins.


    13. Fort Collins also has some of the best damn restaurants you’ll ever eat at. There’s Big City Burrito for burritos…

    14. Beau Jo’s for pizza…

    15. And the Silver Grill Cafe for cinnamon buns, which is pretty much the only thing you’ll want to eat for the rest of your life.

    16. Despite the entire population being on an all-cinnmon roll diet, Fort Collins in one of the healthiest cities in the country.

    17. Like trees? Yeah you do. Fort Collins is lousy with them.

    18. There is not a better place in the world to raise kids. Everyone who grows up in Fort Collins will have fond memories of The Farm.

    19. And no childhood is complete without a visit to the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery.

    20. And if that’s not enough, there’s always Nature’s Own, which has all the geodes and fossils any kid could ask for.

    21. Also, Fort Fun seriously has one of the best mini-golf courses in the world.

    22. Fort Collins High School’s mascot is a lambkin, which is a baby lamb.

    23. Fort Collins is also home to Colorado State University, which is one of the best public universities in the country.

    24. Still not convinced? Okay, well, that’s insane. Fort Collins is clearly the greatest. Just take a look at some of the views Fort Collins has to offer...