16 "SpongeBob" GIFs That Perfectly Describe Going Out

    "I'm ready, I'm ready!"

    1. You leave the house with your hair and makeup on fleek, ready to strut your stuff.

    2. And you do everything you can to make sure people notice your freshly shaven, silky smooth legs.

    3. You arrive at the club and make your grand entrance onto the dance floor.

    4. It's the beginning of a great night, your outfit is on point, and you're feeling the tunes.

    5. Then, your favorite song comes on...

    6. ...and naturally you perform your rehearsed routine...

    7. ...slaying the dance floor.

    8. Suddenly, you lock eyes with someone across the dance floor.

    9. And you get sort of hot and bothered.

    10. You put on your best sober face and convince your friends you need to go to the bar for another drink.

    11. You make your way to the bar, leaving the dance floor in style.

    12. You decide to take a couple of shots, which ends in you making this unattractive face.

    13. Slowly but surely your dancing gives way to something like this.

    14. You search for your dance floor crush, but your vision is a little off at this point.

    15. Your friends tell you it's time to go home, but you thought the night was just getting started.

    16. You leave, but not before persuading them to make a quick stop at McDonald's on the way home, which makes everything better.