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The Official "AHS: Hotel" Opening Credits Are Creepy As Hell

It's Norman Bates meets the Ten Commandments meets creepy images that will definitely keep you up at night.

Yes, Scream Queens just started, but there's some other very important Ryan Murphy news today: The opening titles for American Horror Story: Hotel are out.

Fair warning: They're a little scarier this year than usual, so don't scroll past the cute puppy unless you want to see some serious shit.

Here's the full, disturbing-as-hell sequence.

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There's a lot of imagery that implies imprisonment, such as these hands grasping for freedom.

Weirder, though, is the running theme of children and birth. There's the creepy kid in the halls...

...and all kinds of creepy things escaping through a mattress vagina.

There are also brief flashes of the Ten Commandments in neon, which implies that religion will have a role in the new season (and evokes just the right amount of Norman Bates).

Sweet dreams!