23 Times Your Sims' Lives Mirrored Your Own

    Sometimes this game gets way too real.

    1. When someone walked in on them in the bathroom and their relationship was irrevocably damaged.

    2. When they danced really awkwardly and you quietly muttered, "me too."

    3. When they had coffee and were wired for three hours but crashed immediately afterward.

    4. When their romantic advances were rejected no matter how many times they tried.

    5. When they were too tired to make dinner so they settled for a slice of bread and/or a juice box.

    6. When they had tons of clothes but wore the same three outfits all the time.

    7. When another Sim said they didn't like their favorite music/color/food and they were like "bye."

    8. When they finally had enough money to buy new things and they literally leaped for joy when they bought them.

    9. When they could only work out for an hour before becoming incapacitated by soreness.

    10. When they were babysitting and the kids were a nightmare.

    11. When they flirted with a person once and all of a sudden they became a Romantic Interest.

    12. When they flirted with another person and the whole town turned against them.

    13. When they got tons of attention from the ugliest Sims in town but their crush was just not feeling it.

    Just standing there staring at your crush like "say something I'm giving up on you."

    14. When they expressed a desire to have sex in public but it was too difficult to figure out how.

    15. When they actually did have sex in public and they spent the next eight hours walking like this.

    16. When they were absolutely thrilled to have a rubber duckie in their bathtub.

    17. When their co-workers asked them to stay late at work and they did it, but slacked off the whole time.

    18. When it took them three hours and 45 minutes to wake up, shower, and eat breakfast.

    19. When they wanted to "meet someone new," so they went outside and waved to the mailman. Wish fulfilled.

    20. When they talked to themselves in the mirror for an hour and immediately felt more charming.

    21. When they said they would go to a party but it was technically more fun to sit at home and watch TV.

    22. When they had a grand total of five topics to talk about and got stuck in an infinite conversation loop.

    23. And of course, when they managed to burn an extremely simple dish.