21 Proper Job Things You'll Know If You Come From The West Country

    Proper job.

    1. When you tell anyone from anywhere outside the West Country where you're from, they'll ask if you're a farmer.

    2. And they'll probably do a terrible West Country accent too, even if you don't have one yourself.

    3. You'll also get asked if you've ever driven a tractor (and tbf, you probably have at least once).

    4. It's not called "the countryside", it's just "the country".

    5. You're used to an altogether different kind of roadblock.

    You were definitely made late for school at least once by either sheep, cows, a tractor, or flooding.

    6. Basically, you just know that animals and roads are never a good mix.

    "@itvwestcountry: Swan is coned off in Bath- for its own protection. http://t.co/BnOny3F57U " #somersetproblems

    7. You know what proper cider tastes like – and it isn't Strongbow.

    8. And you know that mature Cheddar is the only type of Cheddar worth eating.

    9. You know what "proper job" means.

    10. You always thank the bus driver.

    11. And it's also perfectly normal to have small talk with the shop owner when you go into their shop.

    12. You went on some really, really boring school trips.

    Being followed by schoolies. First they visited my postbox, now the park. Most boring school trip ever

    One of them was probably to a farm, and you might have spent a day at a mill of some kind. If you were really lucky, you might have gone to the Eden Project.

    13. But you also probably went to either Cheddar Gorge or Wookey Hole, which was pretty cool.

    14. You know that wellies are more than just a fashion statement.

    15. And where you're from, Barbour jackets are worn by mums who live in the country, not posh city boys.

    16. You've probably eaten a proper Cornish pasty, actually from Cornwall.

    17. Bad internet is definitely a problem you've had to deal with.

    18. The local newspaper takes dull to a whole new level, because nothing scandalous ever really happens in the West Country.

    19. Except for when it does.

    20. You get really excited when the place you're from pops up on national TV, because normally no one really cares about it.

    21. You feel pretty smug about living somewhere the rest of the country sees as a holiday destination.