16 Things That Seem Normal At University But Are Actually Really Weird

    Uni will have you doing the weirdest things, like setting an alarm for a 17-minute nap.

    1. Finding someone asleep under a desk in the library at 4am, using a pile of books for a pillow.

    2. Coming downstairs and finding your flatmate eating cereal out of a saucepan.

    3. Getting into bed at 2pm and setting an alarm for a 17-minute nap.

    4. Doing a taste test for "things you can dunk in Nutella" at midnight on a Tuesday.

    5. Casually eating an entire jar of Nutella with a spoon in front of Come Dine with Me.

    6. Drawing dicks and insults on all of your friends' clothes and then going on a night out.

    7. Wearing pyjamas and a dressing gown in public.

    Wth econ lecture!?! LOL RT @yin_karen O m g bananas in pyjamas came into my lecture

    IRL: "Time to put my regular adult clothes on to go to my regular adult job."

    At uni: "What's the point in putting clothes on for this lecture when I'm just going to sleep through it anyway?"

    8. Breaking into someone's room and filling it with small plastic cups of water.

    9. Spending Wednesday night and the early hours of Thursday morning very drunk and dressed up as a pencil.

    10. Having loads and loads of work to do, so watching cartoons all day and night and then starting at 3am.

    11. Seeing a bottle of vodka for £4 and thinking it is a good idea to buy it and drink all of it in one night.

    12. Mixing cheap vodka with cheap squash, putting it in a mug, and calling it a cocktail.

    IRL: "I'm going to go to the bar and have a proper drink."

    At uni: "I am far too wasted to give a fuck how this tastes."

    13. Seeing someone working in the library huddled up in a massive blanket they've clearly brought from home.

    14. Staying up until 4am watching YouTube videos of cats being friends with turtles.

    Eating grapes and watching YouTube videos at 3am because who needs sleep right?😅

    IRL: *goes to bed at 10pm*

    At uni: "OK just one more video."

    15. Drinking eight cans of energy drink in the seven-hour period between 1-8am.

    16. Spending your entire Monday playing a ridiculously elaborate, made-up game with all of your flatmates.