7 Recipes From Abuelita's Kitchen

    Abuelitas get all their power from ketchup and cookie tins filled with sewing equipment.

    1. Abuelita was way ahead of the fusion food trend.

    2. Who could ever want fast food when there are beans at home! Again!

    3. And Abuelita always has an inventive, culinary trick up her sleeve.

    4. Abuelita is known for putting her own, unique spin on classic dishes.

    5. Want to know Abuelita's secret ingredient? Cookies! That you'll never get to eat.

    6. Most of Abuelita's recipes are made from wholesome, organic ingredients. Like coco.

    7. In the mood for a light afternoon snack? Abuelita has just the thing.

    ¡Gracias, Abuelita!