27 Faces Latinos Will Definitely Recognize

    Let's play "what's in that butter container?"

    1. When your favorite food is limited to one "ethnic food aisle."

    2. When people ask whether you know their Latino friend.

    3. When you have this horrific realization.

    4. When people mistake you for the one other Latino at work or school.

    5. When people refer to you as "spicy."

    6. When your mom asks you to get the butter but every butter container is filled with something different.

    7. And when you look into a tub of butter and it actually has butter in it.

    8. When this happens at a family reunion.

    9. When you're alone in your room and some old-school Juan Luis Guerra starts playing.


    10. When a person says you "don't look Latino."

    11. When someone goes out of their way to enthusiastically wish you a happy Cinco de Mayo.

    12. When someone suggests going to Chipotle for "Spanish food."

    13. When someone asks if you "speak Mexican."

    14. When other Latinos don't realize you understand Spanish and can eavesdrop on them.

    15. When you're Brazilian and relate to only a third of Latino memes you see online.

    16. When you're in the middle of talking to a relative and your parents ask "¿Dijiste hola?"

    17. When you ask to go to McDonald's and your mom says there's food at home.

    "Los fren-fry no son comida."

    18. When your mom hands you the phone and forces you to say hi to your abuela.

    19. When you were excited for dessert but this tragedy occurs.

    20. When your grandmother keeps pressuring you to eat a fifth serving of food and you don't want to be rude.

    21. When anyone has ever asked "no, where are you really from."

    22. When your mom yells about "tu puta madre."

    23. When you Google or do a hashtag search for "Latina."

    24. When you know seven people nicknamed Yoyi* and are never sure which one people are talking about.

    25. When people expect Latinos to be great dancers and... Well...

    26. When you're injured and a family member tells you to put "vaporu" on it.

    27. And finally, when, despite what a big and vast group we are, you find someone else who just gets it.