25 Ways "¿Qué Pasa, USA?" Totally Got The Cuban-American Experience

    What a casualty!

    ¿Qué Pasa, USA? was a show about the Peñas, a Cuban-American family living in Miami.

    It was one of the few (If not the only!) sitcoms that really got what it's like to grow up Cuban in the U.S.

    1. It showed how you can't talk about anything without your parents KNOWING.

    2. ...And that goes double for your abuela.

    3. It depicted all those times you had to say hello to someone you can't stand.

    4. And when you had to greet relatives and family friends you barely know.

    5. Like the Peña house, your home was definitely always filled with tchotchkes.

    6. It showed THIS FACE.

    7. And THIS hand motion.

    ...See what I mean?

    8. In fact, every argument was 99% hand gestures.

    9. It accurately depicted those times your parents decided that you'd ONLY speak en español in the house.

    10. And that, while America may run on Dunkin', your U.S.A. is reliant on café cubano.

    11. It showed the exquisite awkwardness of bringing home un americano o americana for the first time.

    12. Not that your family wasn't super proud to be American, of course.

    13. That said, you were constantly reminded to act properly, lest you were deemed too "Americanized."

    14. The show also showed all your pleasant memories of going on a date...

    15. It provided a glimpse into all the very chill, very low-key reactions from your family members.

    16. ...And their love of chisme.

    17. In fact, it showed how even the slightest argument is likely to draw all the chismosos in a seven mile radius.

    18. Sure, sometimes things were lost in translation.

    19. ...Which sometimes resulted in brand-new sayings.

    20. It perfectly depicted how your house was almost always filled with family.

    21. And how, if you needed a ride to or from the airport, you'd better expect your ENTIRE family to tag along.

    22. You wanted privacy? Forget it. You were lucky if you were allowed to lock the bathroom door.

    "¿Y qué? ¡No ví nada nuevo!"

    23. It VERY ACCURATELY depicted how your Cuban mom will 1) HATE your first apartment...

    ... And that 2) she WILL try to clean it up and make your bed.

    24. Most importantly, it showed how proud you were to be both Cuban and American.

    25. And how much you loved your crazy, aggravating, nosy, overprotective, loving, awesome, perfect family.

    ¡Viva la familia Peña!