21 Faces Light Sleepers Will Totally Recognize

    Zzzzzzip it.

    1. When you've finally started drifting off but then hear a noise.

    2. When you're just chilling in your bed and then suddenly remember every embarrassing thing you've done since third grade.

    3. When you can't sleep in your comfy-ass bed but then spend the entire next day fighting off sleep in your rickety-ass chair.

    4. When you live next door to people who looove listening to Nickelback on full blast on a Tuesday night.

    5. When the clock says 11:37 p.m. and then five seconds later it's 7:29 in the morning.

    6. When you've just gotten settled and realize you have to go to the bathroom.

    7. When your PJs keep wrinkling and riding up and it becomes literally all you can think about.

    8. When you're about to hit the hay and your brain decides to realize you made a huge typo in an important email.

    9. When you're in bed and you think you hear water dripping. When you definitely hear water dripping. WHEN LITERALLY ALL YOU HEAR IS WATER DRIPPING.

    10. When it's too hot for a blanket but you can't sleep without one.

    11. When NOW is the time you get a song stuck in your head.

    12. When you're not even religious but turn to prayer to help you sleep.

    13. When your foot decides that right now is a great time to cramp the hell up.

    14. When you decide checking Tumblr might make you sleepy and then you look up and three days have gone by.

    15. When there is no cool side of the pillow.

    16. When you're the picture of health all day but spend all night coughing non-stop.

    17. When you remember reading that spiders lay eggs in people's mouths while they sleep.

    18. When a mosquito lets you know it wants to be heard, but not seen.

    19. When it seems like your entire room is flooded in blinding rays of sleep-murdering light.

    20. When your pet decides that nighttime is the right time to play with you.

    21. When you look into the mirror after a long night of not sleeping.