22 Thoughts Girls Have At The Hair Salon

    Why didn't I bring some light reading, like Finnegans Wake.

    1. TIME FOR A HAIRCUT. My hair looks like I crawled right out of a TV and into your living room.

    2. I mean, I could always try cutting it myself at home...

    3. Everyone at this salon is judging me because my hair looks like a mistake.

    4. No! I forgot to bring reference photos! How do I explain the haircut I want?

    5. Am I supposed to make small talk?

    6. OK, we've been sitting in silence for a while. Does the hairstylist prefer it this way? Should I shut up for good?

    7. This is a lot of time sitting in silence. I should have brought a book.

    8. Or my phone! Where's my phone?

    9. I should've waited for a Groupon. This haircut is going to cost me three kidneys.

    10. I spy a magazine. Can I ask for it? Should I just stare at it for a while?

    11. Why do I get my hair colored? This is going to take seven years.

    12. I've been cooking under this dryer so long. I'm positive my hair is falling out.

    13. Also, I need to go to the bathroom.

    14. This is far too long to be left alone quietly with my own thoughts.

    15. Funny how I never notice this particular portion of my skull until it's being bashed against the edge of a hair salon sink.

    16. OK, now I REALLY need to go. Can I just sneak out of this chair and go to the bathroom?

    17. OK, that's way too much hair on the floor.

    18. It feels like we're heading dangerously into mullet territory now.

    19. Hairspray in my eye, hairspray in my eye.

    20. OK, now the big reveal. I'm scared.


    22. This will be destroyed as soon as I take a shower.