16 Small Ways To Pay It Forward Today

    A bit of couch change, a small effort, and a little smile can change a day (and maybe the world).

    1. Hold the door open for a stranger.

    2. Tape a buck or two to a vending machine.

    If you go to school or work at a place with a vending machine, taping a dollar to the window means someone can enjoy a nice treat that now tastes EXTRA great.

    3. Leave quarters at the laundromat.

    4. Give your compliments to the chef (or the manager).

    5. Buy someone's coffee.

    6. Make a kit.

    Take a sturdy plastic bag and fill it with toiletries and such -- tissues, toothpaste, a toothbrush, nail clippers, new socks, etc. -- and leave it, with a note saying it's up for grabs, at or near a homeless shelter. You can also leave some basic goods (socks and things like tampons and pads are especially needed) directly at a local shelter.

    7. Be a meter fairy.

    8. Bake something.

    9. Say good morning.

    10. Leave a note.

    Leave a Post-It with a nice message on a random spot -- a stranger's locker, maybe, on a library shelf, or in a restaurant bathroom. It's a simple and unobtrusive way of paying a compliment and making someone smile.

    11. Talk someone up.

    12. Donate clothes and shoes.

    13. Walk a pup in need.

    14. Leave a gift card.

    15. Donate blood.

    16. Offer a shoulder, or an ear.