17 People Who Had It Tough When They Began Their Careers

    The true secret of success is...

    1. J.K. Rowling

    2. Ed Sheeran

    3. Howard Schultz

    4. Stephen King

    5. John Cleese and Connie Booth

    6. Ricky Gervais

    7. Marilyn Monroe

    8. Kanye West

    9. Sylvia Plath

    10. Walt Disney

    11. Oprah Winfrey

    12. Steven Spielberg

    13. Sylvester Stallone

    14. Jay Z

    15. Simon Cowell

    16. Larry David

    17. Most authors

    Via blinkboxbooks.com!/

    In this infographic you can see exactly how many years of writing – and failure – it took most authors before they finally published their most famous novels.