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27 Things That Are So Weird When You Actually Think About Them

You'll never look at the world the same way again.

1. Balloons

Balloons are so weird... "Happy birthday, here's a plastic sack of my breath."

2. Pets

When you think about it, having a pet is so weird. You just pick an animal you can't communicate with and live with them

3. Kissing

Kissing is actually so weird when you think about it.. "Yeah I like you so I'm going to taste the inside of your mouth for a bit"

4. Lollipops and Gum

Chewing gum and sucking on lollipops is really just eating flavored saliva have a nice day :-)

5. Taxis

Taxis are so weird when you think about it..some complete stranger driving you around

6. (Trains Too)

trains are so weird when you think about it, I mean you're basically sitting inside a metal box with hundreds of strangers

7. Trees

trees are so weird when you think about it theyre just giant sticks that grow out of the ground and we're ok with that

8. Eggs

Eggs really ain't shit but delicious chicken miscarriages when you think about it. Why is life so weird?

9. Bras

If you think about it bras are so weird it's like just hold up my boobs awhile for me thanks

10. Eyebrows

Eyebrows are so weird when you think about it, they're just lines of hair on your face

11. Fingers

When you think about it fingers are so weird. Our arms just split into other little arms

12. Tongues

tongues are so weird when u think about it like theyre literally slithery lumps of muscle in ur mouth that you rub food off to get flavours?

13. Names

Names are so weird when you think about it. Our parents pick out a noise that identifies us for the rest of our lives.

14. Hugging

When you think about it hugs are so weird. Like you just put your body on somebody else's and keep them from running away with your arms.

15. Clapping

When you think about it clapping is so weird. 'Oh I like what is happening right now let me smash my hands together to express my delight'

16. Crying

Crying is so weird when you think about it. You get so sad that liquid comes from your eyes

17. Sex

Sex is so weird when u think about it, like let me slam into you repeatedly w my rock hard appendage bc I love you

18. Sexting

Sexting is so weird when you think about it you're like "hey did we have math homework oh cool here's my butt"

19. Pregnancy

Pregnancy is so weird when you actually think about it. There's a human being growing inside of you like what the hell that's crazy

20. Money

When you think about it money is pretty weird it's a useless piece of printed paper and its only worth something cause we say so

21. Teachers

So weird to think about the fact that teachers exist outside of school and have lives outside of the classroom

22. Twitter

the whole concept of twitter is just so weird when you think about it like lol what are we even doing with our lives

23. Dying

'every year, unknowingly, we pass the anniversary of our future death' .. this is actually so weird when you think about it

24. Justin Bieber's Future Wife

Justin's future wife is doing something at the moment it's so weird when you think about it

25. Butts

why do we like butts? girls like butts, boys like butts, its weird when you think about it, whats so cute about butts?

Okay butts are so weird when you think about it. Like why is there a crack. I do not understand.

26. Christmas

When you think about it Christmas is so weird, like it's suddenly acceptable to have a fully grown tree in your living room

27. Laughing

laughing is pretty weird when you think about it. but i guess so is everything. maybe just don't think about anything ever.