See Just How Little Fashion Shows Have Changed Since The '20s

    With fashion, as most things, there are few, if any, new ideas.

    1. Fashion shows still take place outside on the street.

    2. And in homes.

    3. Also, in beds.

    4. And even on boats.

    5. Planes are also not ignored as fashion show sets.

    6. Hats are still ridiculous.

    7. Models must act oblivious to their surroundings.

    8. Sometimes the runway is a beach.

    9. Coveted front-row seats remain empty during showtime.

    10. You can fondle the clothes the models wear.

    However, there are a few key differences between fashion shows of the '20s and fashion shows today.

    11. For instance, today's male models are often expected to walk a runway, instead of stand around smoking.

    12. With lingerie events, full-coverage slips have made way for Carnivale costumes and synchronized backup dancers.

    13. Another important distinction: Runways tend not to climax with stairs.

    14. And child models today rarely double as the gardener.

    15. Finally, in the '20s, fashion was a wildly different business because: there was no Choupette.