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21 Tricks Every Non-Morning Person Should Know

Don't talk to me right now.

1. Make it harder to hit snooze.

2. Walk Me Up is an app that forces you to take a certain number of steps before the alarm will shut off.

3. Have morning sex.

4. A silent, vibrating alarm keeps you from waking up your partner.

5. Invest in an alarm clock you have to chase.

6. Or shoot.

7. Rise 'n' shine with your natural rhythms.

8. If you're especially handy, you can build a sunshine simulator yourself.

9. If you own a coffee maker with a preset option, have it start brewing a few minutes before you're supposed to wake up.

10. Hungover? Not anymore.

11. Warn your co-workers, roommates, and loved ones.

12. Use a tracking site or app to sync your sleep cycles.

13. Drink a glass of water right after you wake up.

14. Label your hangers for mindless dressing every day of the week.

15. Leave important reminders on your bag or keys.

16. Or if you're EXTRA forgetful, put your keys or purse on the thing you want to remember.

17. Pepper your alarms with sweet little reminders.

18. Also: threats.

19. Let your utensils do the talking.

20. Have a baby.

21. If all else fails, just buy this tank and call it a day.

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