How To Throw The Best Food Fair Ever

    Hint: it involves Angela Merkel.

    1. Make sure you have a ton of bratwurst.

    2. And ham.

    3. Don't forget the chocolate.

    4. Even the humble lentil has a part to play.

    5. Invite German Chancellor Angela Merkel.



    8. Also invite the Dutch, because they'll bring a whole bunch of cheese.



    11. Let Tony the Tiger come, but make sure he gets ample breaks.

    12. The brass band might need a break too.

    13. Understand that you will never own a hat as amazing as these Serbian women in traditional dress.

    14. Unless you're a Bavarian school child.

    15. Keep your horses under control.

    16. Tomatoes are so beautiful that they should be echoed in *fashion.*