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30 Halloween Costumes Only True Pun-Lovers Will Appreciate

Can you get through this post without groaning to death?

1. Han Solo

3. A Horn Dog

4. Minnie M&M's

5. Couch Potato

6. Lord(e) of the Rings

7. The Second Amendment

8. Hashtags

9. Starbucks

10. The Cloud

11. When Life Gives You Lemons

12. Sailor Uranus

13. Fit as a Fiddle

14. Spice Girls

Spice girls💞 #thyme #cayenne & #jasmine #pun #halloween

15. Big Foot

16. Blessing in Disguise

17. Spelling Bee

18. Pantone-Mimes

19. Iron Chef

20. One Night Stand

21. Taco Belle

22. Beer on Tap

23. Green with Envy

24. One Direction

26. Navy SEAL

27. Cat-niss Everdeen

28. Jackie O'Lantern

29. Dead Head

30. Dictator