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    The 17 Worst Crimes Ever Perpetrated Against Jorts

    They don't deserve this treatment.

    17. This abomination against America.

    16. This eternal struggle.

    My jorts so short you can see the pockets hanging out the bottom #tough

    15. These stock photo jorts.

    14. These way-too-tight jorts.

    13. These fringed monstrosities.

    12. These DDR jorts.

    11. These swimwear jorts.

    10. This self-jortsing attempt that can only end in bloodshed.

    9. These acid-wash jort-all nightmares.

    8. These terrifying Halloween jorts.

    7. These poor abandoned jorts.

    6. And these legs left out in the cold to die.

    5. This denim diaper.

    4. This jorts jockstrap.

    3. This inspirational message.

    2. Tobias Fünke

    Okay, hear me out: Tobias is obviously iconic and perfect BUT he's not exactly great PR for jorts. If you don't believe me, here is a thought experiment: look at the above gifs and imagine how they smell. Take a biiiiiig mind-whiff. Right? Right.

    1. This.