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    24 Cool And Inexpensive Bobby Pin DIYs

    These little guys contain multitudes.

    There are a few essential truths about bobby pins.

    And a few shocking facts.

    Ultimately, though, they're incredibly versatile.

    1. Use them to make a necklace.

    2. Make a quick and effective bookmark.

    3. Store them in a cleaned-out Tic Tac container.

    4. Punch them up with sparkly hearts.

    5. Or shiny stars.

    6. Or pom-poms!

    7. Make art.

    8. Pick a lock.

    9. Use polymer clay to make geometric pins.

    10. Why stop at shapes? Go for broke and make an avocado.

    11. Paint them with nail polish.

    12. Make memorable cards.

    13. Make a magnetic holder so you won't lose quite so many.

    14. Or line a drawer with a magnetic strip.

    15. Knock off Anthropologie.


    17. Hold a small nail with a bobby pin to avoid hammering your fingers.

    18. Channel "The Hunger Games."

    19. Make a roach clip.

    20. Use them as dotting tools for nail art.

    21. Make a hair bow (or bow tie) and hold it securely in place.

    22. Wrap geodes for jewelry/magic talismans.

    23. Make dangly earrings.

    24. Create an awesome hairstyle with basically no effort.

    Just remember: It's entirely possible to have too much of a good thing.