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    21 Handy Tricks For Living Your Daily Life Like James Bond

    At least in terms of his dapper personal grooming; you don't necessarily need to focus on the misogyny and regular brushes with death.

    1. Learn to tie a bow-tie, so you can throw out your clip-on.

    2. Make your gloves touchscreen-sensitive.

    3. Shave with a straight razor.

    4. Use a disposable razor to shave (and thereby save) a pilly piece of clothing.

    5. Sandpaper works, too.

    6. Smell like the man himself.

    7. Learn how to make a perfect martini.

    8. Chill drinks in a hurry.

    9. Learn how to salsa.

    10. Ensure that your clothes always fit correctly.

    11. Add an extra hole to a leather belt.

    12. Pack lightly and efficiently at all times.

    13. Have a pleasant flight by preventing the person in front of you from reclining their seat.

    14. Bar-lace your shoes.

    15. Polish your own shoes.

    16. Remove stains from all your clothes.

    17. Sew a button back onto a jacket.

    18. A dab of clear nail polish will keep it from falling off again.

    19. Make an earbud detangler.

    20. Unhook a bra with one hand.

    21. Eliminate bacne.

    Follow these handy steps. and this:



    And most importantly, THIS: