13 Reasons Why Having The Flu Is The Worst

    It sucks even harder than breakups or root canals.

    1. All of a sudden nobody wants to go near you.

    2. And yet they're all totally willing to lecture you for not getting a flu shot.

    3. You feel like a husk of your former self.

    4. You're trapped inside your apartment*.

    5. Your mom gets disproportionately worried about you from three states away.

    6. You can't booty call.

    7. Your head throbs like some terrible low-rent dubstep song whenever you try to think.

    8. Your lips are so dry they feel like sandpaper.

    9. You sound like a monster or a witch whenever you try to talk.

    10. All those "sick day" plans you had to hang out and watch TV are shot to hell by the fact that sitting up and looking at things feels like knives in your brain.

    11. It's all too easy to stumble across WebMD and start overdiagnosing yourself.

    12. Eating is hard.

    13. You start to actually miss going to work/ school/ whatever you generally do with your day.

    But don't despair! You'll be over it before you know it.