The Definitive Guide To Being A Muslim In America

    "If you’re into Garth Brooks, ain’t nobody gonna think you’re a terrorist.”

    Aasif Mandvi, famous for his role as Senior Muslim Correspondent on The Daily Show, stopped by the BuzzFeed offices to talk about his webseries, Halal in the Family. He also gave us a few pointers on how to make it as a Muslim in America.

    1. Don't draw too much attention to yourself when you're at the airport.

    2. Make sure everyone knows that you're one of the "cool" Muslims.

    3. Respect American history and tradition.

    4. Dress appropriately.

    5. Show a healthy respect for the classics.

    6. Just give up.

    7. Follow this lifelong axiom.

    8. And remember to be realistic.

    Need more tips? Get some more from Aasif's webseries, Halal in the Family, live on Funny or Die now!