The Definitive Ranking Of Ice Cream Truck Treats

    Ice cream, brought to you by a truck. What a beautiful world we live in.

    22. Just a plain old ice cream cone

    21. Cherry ice

    20. Lemon Ice

    19. Sno Cones (AKA Sno Kones AKA Snow Cones AKA however you want to spell it)

    18. Firecrackers

    17. Bomb Pops

    16. Pink Panther Bar

    15. Sonic the Hedgehog Bar

    Another entry in the "cartoon characters" genre, Sonic moves ahead of the Pink Panther because of the video-game nostalgia. As you can see, the Sonic bars never come out looking quite like the character, but that's part of their charm. Plus, the gum ball eyes are always fun.

    Food equivalent: A piece of sushi that accidentally got way too much soy sauce on it and now you're like, I guess this is still good.

    14. Fudgsicles

    13. Creamsicle Bars

    12. Toasted Almond Bar

    11. Ice Cream Sandwiches

    10. Push Up Pops

    9. King Cone

    8. Klondike Bar

    7. Ice cream on a stick covered in chocolate (is there a real name for this even?)

    6. Screw Balls

    5. Drumstick

    4. Chocolate Eclair Bar

    3. Chipwich

    2. Strawberry Shortcake Bar

    1. Choco Taco