This Guy Recorded A Bunch Of Videos Chronicling His Journey With A Found iPhone

    Gentlemen, take note.

    Jenny Roberts Dodge lost her phone on St. Patrick's Day in New Orleans. After using Find My Friends, she tracked it down at a local bar and discovered that the dude who found it had recorded some surprise videos for her.

    View this video on YouTube

    In his first video, the mystery man asked a local coffee shop what to do with a lost iPhone. A snarky redhead answered, "Keep it."

    But our guy was too respectable to do such a thing. He proceeded to take the phone on a romantic stroll through New Orleans, waiting for someone to call so he could coordinate a hand off.

    "Oh shit! I was so busy talking to you I missed the bus!" our guy told the phone. "I'll be honest, I'm having too much fun with this found phone."

    Our journey ends when this nice fellow drops the phone off at a bar, telling them he found it in the back at a table so they would be responsible.

    On Facebook, Jenny shared the videos and said, "If anyone knows him, tell him I said THANK YOU for keeping my phone safe and for giving me the funniest b-day present!" Check out her Youtube channel to watch all five videos.