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This Guy Annoyed His Wife Throughout Her Entire Pregnancy And It's Hilarious

"Warning: The following video features situations only to be performed by professionals."

For some reason, Mike Wilson felt the need to irritate his pregnant wife in her final trimester. Fortunately, she had a great sense of humor throughout it all.

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Mike would often tease her when he had a tiny scratch, groaning about the pain and how unbearable it was.

He would be weird around her pregnant belly.

And would run away from her...

All the time!

He asked her "how ya feeling?" one too many times.

And would force-feed her.

He made fun of that way she walked upstairs..

And teased her with games she obviously couldn't play.

He even horsed around while she was in labor!

You would think that once the baby came he would stop being cheeky, but nope!

Mike is not likely to stop playing around anytime soon, so this adorable baby has no idea what he's got himself into. Congrats, you guys!