This Is What Your Life Looks Like From Your Phone's Perspective

    All the awkward things your phone sees on a daily basis.

    Paul Trillo created this insightful video shot and edited entirely on an iPhone, all about what it's like to be an iPhone. / Via

    The video is "seen entirely from the phone’s point-of-view, beginning with its inception through its life… death… and ultimately its reincarnation."

    We get a unique view of Lucas' life, as his phone sits in on his social engagements and personal moments at home.

    The scenes transition from moment to moment through Lucas' pocket.

    We see the moments he's being rude on a date...

    ...When he bumps into a stranger on the sidewalk because he was on his phone...

    ...And when he awkwardly takes a video instead of a photo.

    We even get a glimpse of concerts and food pics.

    And an accidental toilet drop!

    But Lucas' relationship with his phone is shattered, literally and figuratively, when he drops it on the street.

    Luckily, the phone is given new life, once repaired and shipped to China, to get perspective on some other person totally and utterly obsessed with their device.