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    15 Things That Happen When You Meet An Uncircumcised Penis For The First Time

    Maybe you were sheltered growing up. Maybe because of religion or culture everyone around you had “a little off the top” down there. But one day you might meet someone who didn’t make the cut. This is what will happen.

    1. When you've found your target and are ready to do some investigating

    2. And they fall for the "I've never seen one like that before…" line

    3. But you swear you aren’t just using them for your own curiosity

    4. You ask them what it feels like to get it caught on something

    5. Then after all the anticipation, you get yourself ready to meet the little guy

    6. And you finally get to see it

    7. But it's not quite ready yet and there’s a bit more going on than you expected

    8. And you’re not ready for it to come out yet either

    9. You play with it in a certain way and it makes faces at you

    10. But then you realize it pretty much works the same way as all the others and you got this

    11. But sometimes things might be a bit “too tight” down there

    12. Still you are reassured it won’t feel any different

    13. Then it goes in and you’re like

    14. But you realize no matter what it looks like, it all ends the same way

    15. And you know what you can do next time the situation comes up