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    Introducing Me

    I watch Bob's Burgers and Gilmore Girls, I love Bonnie and Clyde because though they were criminals were brave enough to stand up against a greedy government and they loved each other. My favourite Bob's Burger's character is Louise and I ship her and Logan Barry Bush ("We didn't think it through!" Thanks Cynthia) though i would reccommnend dating when they're older, say around age 20. I also love the 30s and 20s era and Great Gatsby and all things vintage, especially the movie The Boat That Rocked. I like taking the buzzfeed quizzes and I'm on tumblr going by the name Shag-is-a-great-word - let's face it, it is - and I have a fanfiction account where I'll be starting a Bob's Burgers fanfiction so check it out! I'll be posting the link when the first chapter's up.

    Favourite quote "queen latifah, GIVE ME STRENGTH!