Republican Platform Calls For Banning "Abortion" Pill

    Akin controversy infiltrates GOP platform committee.

    TAMPA, Florida — The Republican National Committee platform will include a measure opposing RU-486, which some abortion foes call an "abortion pill."

    Mary Summa, a delegate from North Carolina introduced the plank to ban FDA approval for any drug "that terminates human life after conception."

    "This party was born out of a belief that every human life is precious," she said. "And with this amendment we state it once again by opposing approval of drugs that terminate innocent human life after conception."

    Alabama delegate Jackie Curtiss asked to clarify whether the measure would also include the so-called Plan-B pill, which is given before conception occurs, in light of the ongoing controversy over Missouri Rep. Todd Akin's comments about rape.

    "In light of the recent comments by Congressman Todd Akin and in an attempt to reaffirm to the American people the party's sensitivity on the subject of rape, I believe that we should not support an amendment which opposes approval of a method that has been proven effective in preventing the pregnancy of rape victims," she said.

    It was the first time Akin's comments entered the platform committee's business meeting. Earlier Tuesday the committee passed a plank calling for a constitutional amendment against abortion, but did not specify any exceptions in the case of rape or incest.

    Connecticut delegate Themis Klarides noted that the Plan-B pill would not be covered because it does not take effect after conception, at which point the measure was passed by the full committee with only a smattering of dissenters.