No Comment From Obama On Whether Hillary Is To Blame For Benghazi

    But he's happy to talk about Michelle voting for him.

    NEW YORK — President Barack Obama dodged a question on whether Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bears blame blame for the false narrative offered after the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi last month.

    Speaking to reporters during a photo op at the Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg, Va where he is finishing up debate prep, Obama took a host of soft-ball questions, but avoided one about Clinton's statement last night that the buck stops with her.

    From the White House pool report:

    Reporter: "How are you feeling about tonight?"

    Obama, smiling: "I feel fabulous. Look at this beautiful day."

    Reporter: "Are you aware Michelle voted for you yesterday?"

    Obama, turning to yell back: "Thank goodness!"

    Reporter: "Is Hillary to blame for Benghazi?"

    Obama: Silence. Kept walking.