16 Things That Happen When You're A Young Aunt

    Becoming an aunt before becoming a legal adult is the coolest, tbh.

    1. You’re their go-to person for knowing what’s cool.

    2. Until they start telling you what’s cool and start making you feel old.

    3. You’re proud to show them off to your friends.

    4. And all of your social media pages are littered with photos of the two of you looking adorable together.

    5. Your niece/nephew never takes you seriously when you try to reprimand them.

    6. And you don’t really know how to be assertive because you don’t feel like an authority figure.

    7. Plus, they’re more like a younger sibling to you anyway.

    8. Which might explain why every time you go out people automatically assume they’re your sibling.

    9. Or they think you’re a teen parent.

    10. And then get confused when you tell them you’re their aunt.

    11. As your niece or nephew gets older, you start freaking out about how old you're getting, too.

    12. But then you remember you weren’t that old when they were born and you’re still pretty young.

    13. Everything you learned about babysitting you learned by taking care of them.

    14. Like how to change a diaper like a pro.

    15. You’re probably the youngest out of all their aunts and uncles.

    16. Thereby automatically making you the coolest.