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    Things I Want To Do Before I Graduate College.

    Two years left. Two and a half. Better make the most of this fleeting time! :)

    Remember that I am an adult now, and I need to make adult choices - because I'm an adult.

    Apply for the Oxford Program and hopefully get accepted (my junior / senior year.)

    Maintain a circle of close-knit friends, and form close relationships with people i really care about.

    Snag an AWESOME internship that really helps me in the future.

    Make my non-profit recognizable on a large scale.

    Go somewhere I have NEVER been before.

    Master Arabic and Spanish. - Try at least.

    Make some incredibly stupid teenage memories, and live them fully (within limits, terms and conditions apply.)

    Get involved on campus with something I am truly invested in.

    Lead something on campus that matters to me.