Top 10 Reasons To Rush Alpha Kappa Psi_Xi Omega

    There are a number of different types of organizations and clubs at USF but nobody does it better than the Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi. AKPsi is a co-ed professional business fraternity. We are a brotherhood founded with the ideals of brotherhood, knowledge, integrity, service and unity. AKPsi has aspects of both a professional as well as a social organization. You know what they say, "work hard play hard!" Here are some reasons why you should join AKPsi and come out to our rush events.

    1. You will become a member of the oldest and largest professional business fraternity

    2. You will gain friends like no other

    3. Suit and tie shhh...

    4. 48 in 24

    5. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

    6. Interviews become a walk in the park

    7. Community Service - when giving back to society becomes second nature

    8. While fraternities are usually males AKPsi is CoEd

    9. You learn to make time for that

    10. Ne’er shall we in after years forget Fraternal days!