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    Are You Slowly Dying Inside?

    College just started back up. Here you are sitting at home becuase you are too cool for school. Slowly your twenties are slipping away. You finally ask yourself "Am I Dying Inside?"

    1. Your Cereal Is An All Day Meal.

    You no longer feel like leaving your house to get fast food. You decide to finish another box of multi-colored pebbles.

    2. Your Friends Have Amazing Jobs.

    Ah, yes. Your friends have great jobs and settling into having a family. You can barely get dressed and out of bed in the morning. They accomplish more before 9am than you do all week. Yeah, you still haven't paid that bill yet. Get it together.

    3. You Avoid Parties

    You do not want to be at parties anymore. That is when you have to dress like a normal human person. Then people come up and ask if you are still chasing that one dream you had in high school. You have to lie and say you are killing it on twitter. Meanwhile, you are stuffing your face to fill the sadness.

    4. You Don't Even Cry Anymore.

    No, your tears are stuff into your head. You almost feel heartless because you are so numb from all the years of disappointment. Wow, this list is getting too real. Where are the cats to hug?

    5. You Are Reading Depressing BuzzFeed Post.

    Yeah. Just Yeah. Want some wine? Let's get a bottle each.