8 Truths About The Agony And Ecstasy Of Living Alone

    It's mostly agony.

    Living on your own, in theory, seems awesome.

    You can finally eat when you want, sleep when you want, and do whatever you want. It's THE BEST. Or is it?

    1. If you forget to take out the trash, no one's there to remember for you.

    2. You can't really grocery shop for one person.

    3. When you're in a tight spot, there's no one around to save the day.

    4. It's up to you to fix a lot of things, which SUCKS.

    5. And there's no one around to talk to, so you end up spending a lot of time on your phone.

    6. A cockroach sighting can inspire mortal terror.

    7. And getting locked out is an actual nightmare.

    8. But the absolute worst part? Being sick and stuck in bed — with no one around to take care of you.

    This post was translated from Japanese.