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    24 Things That Are Too Real For Anybody Who Has Ever Lived In Bahrain

    Meanwhile in Bahrain...

    1. A 1 day job would take up to 3 months to finish.

    2. "No broblem, Inshallah boss" Even though you both know that it's never gonna happen.

    3. Avoiding the car wash guys, but then crawling back to them when the car needs cleaning.

    4. Talabating anything and being shocked when a place doesn't deliver.

    5. Meeting someone who's lived here their whole life and still doesn't speak Arabic.

    6. Drivers only signaling when they want to cut in front of you.

    7. Friendships with people who leave the island eventually.

    8. Making a new circle of friends regularly after the previous ones leave the island.

    9. People freaking out on social media whenever it rains.

    10. Hating the heat and humidity, but start missing it when it just won't stop raining.

    11. Halloumi cheese and shwarma addictions.

    12. Walking into a party and you either know everybody or they all look familiar because you've seen them on Facebook.

    13. Everybody knowing everybody, but it never fails to amaze you how small this island is.

    14. This island is so small; you have to put a lot of effort into pretending that some people are dead.

    15. Watching your friends doing amazing things and you start missing the excitement.

    16. Going to Juffair on the weekends to get turnt.

    17. Holding your breath and avoiding stepping on spit at Downtown Manama.

    18. When a mediocre meal at an average restaurant costs about the same as a down-payment for a Lexus.

    19. Experiencing different cultures, languages and food all the time.

    20. Owning an SUV, especially a Land Cruiser, makes certain people think that they're above all peasants.

    21. The emergency lights are considered the "Magical-Park-Anywhere" lights for some people.

    22. People getting excited over Pumpkin Spice Lattes, even though we don't have a Fall nor pumpkins here.

    23. Your inbox be like...

    24. Every activity revolving around food or shisha.

    But despite all the struggles, this island will always be home!