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    If Your Country Had A Slogan, What Would It Be?

    We would be much better in Geography, if the countries would have slogens.

    "We are not Australia." -New Zealand

    "We aren't Australia either." -Austria

    "Holy Trinity: Beer, Boobs, Cars." -Germany

    "9 out of 10 natural catastrophes prefer us" -Chile

    "Guy? Girl? We can't really tell." -Thailand

    "We're the living proof you don't need a functioning government, as long as you have beer and chocolate." -Belgium

    "Just Google us to realise we exist." -Tanzania

    "We are actually not Spain." -Portugal

    "We don't care." -Switzerland

    "Water is the basic necessity of life. Not me." -Netherlands

    "Apologize for Pauly D" -Italy

    "We are awesome (individual results may vary)." -USA

    "Surrender first, ask questions later!" -France

    "Biggest, Strongest, and the Best, but we don't know at what yet." -Russia

    "Kurwa." -Poland

    "Main character of all memes." -Romania

    "Do you want furniture or meatballs?" -Sweden

    "Debts? No. This is Sparta!" -Greece