We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    26 Products That Are Perfect If Your Goal For The Year Is To Travel As Much As Possible

    If a ton of road trips, weekend getaways, and flights are in your future, I've got just what you'll need.

    1. A digital luggage scale, so you won't have to guess if your bag is overweight only to suffer the embarrassment of having to empty your things in front of the entire airport. And then, trying your best to move your belongings around because paying that overweight baggage fee is way too expensive. 

    You can also switch between pound and kilogram measurements. 

    Promising reviews: "I cannot imagine how we would have managed a big international trip without this. It saved us so much stress and, I’m sure, surprise charges at the airport." —Potter Freak

    "This scale works and was accurate on four flights. First flight was a test at 46 pounds, and Delta scales said it was 46 pounds. The next two flights were at 49 pounds, and both United and Delta found it to be 49 pounds. The bag on the fourth flight weighed 49, but the United scale found it to be 48 pounds. Four different airports and scales proved that this scale is a good, low-cost, must-have item for air travel." —Robert

    Get it from Amazon for $9.39+ (available in four colors and also a two-pack).

    2. A portable lock box, because it attaches securely around two beach chairs so you'll have a safe place to store your wallet, phone, and other items. You'll be able to actually enjoy your time at the beach or in the pool instead of worrying about your things. 

    The portable lock box in white
    reviewer showing the inside of the lock box and how a wallet easily fits inside

    BTW: you can also use this in your room to keep valuables protected.

    Promising review: "This is a must-have for vacations. We took it to Atlantis in the Bahamas. It worked perfectly. Held our phones, room keys, etc while we were out enjoying the beach or pool. Just looped it to beach chair or table. Highly recommended." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $49.95 (available in five colors).

    3. Or, a waterproof pouch for anyone who never wants to be away from their phone. This can hang around your neck and will keep your cell safe from all those waves. And, you'll still be able to use the touchscreen, so you won't miss any opportunity to snap the perfect vacay pics. You can even slip in some money or your credit cards in here, too.

    It's designed to fit any phone up to 100mm x 170mm (or about 3.9 inches x 6.7 inches). And not only will it keep your phone protected from water, but it will also keep sand and dirt out.

    Promising review: "I purchased this case in July for an upcoming canoe trip with a friend, and as luck would have it, we flipped our canoe. Being the rebel that I am, I chose not to wear my phone around my neck, and so my phone, my ID, and my debit card ended up at the bottom of the river and I just assumed it would be discovered a thousand years from now and placed in a museum as an ancient artifact. Fast-forward to this week. I was contacted via FB by an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office diver and guess what he found? Yup, my phone case with all of the contents intact and dry as a bone! He had to cut the case open, but there was not one single drop of water in it and he ended up purchasing a case for himself because he was just that impressed!" —Julie McDonald

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in 14 colors and designs).

    4. A water bottle cup holder adapter if you have a lot of road trips planned and your fave water bottle doesn't fit in your cup holder. You can just add this on top of your current cup holder and voila! — it will now be able to hold a bigger bottle so you can sip away as you drive to your destination. Um, just don't forget to keep track of rest stops on your journey, because you'll definitely need a bathroom break.

    gif of a water bottle not fitting in the normal cup holder but then fitting perfectly in the adaptor that's in the cup holder above it
    Wine and Whiskey Co / Etsy

    Wine and Whiskey Co is a small business creating clothes, phone cases, and car accessories!

    Promising review: "I had to remove the foam wrap that was on it for it to fit in my cup holder, but now it works perfectly. No more having my water bottle in the seat next to me, rolling on the floor, or spilling 'cause I forgot to close it! Yay!" —sprocketnellie 

    Get it from Wine and Whiskey Co on Etsy for $12.99 (also available in a three-, four-, or six-pack). 

    5. An inflatable wedge pillow that may look a little odd, but this comfy pillow will help you get the best sleep possible while traveling. It can also be used if you're not tired but don't feel like talking to the passenger next to you. You can just slip your phone inside so you can catch up on your fave show privately.

    Promising review: "I used this on four international flights last month and it made all the difference in the world. It's compact, easy to inflate/deflate, very versatile in how you can position it, doesn't rely on the tray table, and works well for bulkhead seats as well as those with someone in front of you. I can't sleep with my head back without snorting myself awake, so this is a perfect alternative. I can very comfortably lean forward in my seat and sleep almost like I can in a bed. I'm 6'2" and this pillow is plenty tall enough to just rest on my lap and let me lean forward into it without feeling crunched over. This pillow will easily let me get enough comfortable periods of sleep on a nine-hour flight that I don't feel completely drained upon arrival. My wife tried mine out before we left on vacation and loved it so much she had me order her one. We both wouldn't travel without them now." —Still Chilly In Colorado

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99. 

    6. Or a Trtl neck pillow if you prefer sleeping while you're sitting up. This will keep your neck in place so you won't jerk awake when your head falls forward, inducing one of those annoying dreams when you feel like you're falling.

    A reviewer wearing the pillow around their neck
    A closeup of the pillow

    Promising review: "I had my doubts about this because it’s not a typical neck pillow. But thought because of its size, it would be easy to travel with. Turns out it is the best neck rest I’ve ever used. So simple and really supports your head and neck without any bulky pillow to carry along. I even lent it to my husband who can’t ever sleep on a plane and it worked like a charm. Highly recommend this." —C.

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99 (available in four colors).

    7. An external battery that can charge your phone up to three times, so you can make it through your road trip if you depend on your phone for GPS or if you like to listen to your fave podcast on long flights.

    A model holding their phone near the battery while their phone charges

    Promising review: "This is an amazing rapid power charger! It charges an iPad faster than plugging it into AC, even while using it! The size is very manageable — about the size of a deck of cards. I travel frequently, and I'm not always near a power source. I just make sure to charge the Anker each evening and then none of my devices will be without power during the day. I was so happy with it, I purchased two more — one for my husband and one for my sister who can't seem to remember to keep her devices charged." —Cathy K

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99+ (available in four colors).

    8. A roll-top dry bag, if you plan on spending a lot of time at the beach. This bag is made with waterproof and watertight nylon, so you can store your wet bathing suit in it without getting everything else in your beach bag soaked. You know what that means? You won't have to deal with damp items or that moldy odor that totally kills the vibe.

    A closeup of the bag closed
    A closeup of the bag opened with a bathing suit inside
    Dagne Dover

    Promising review: "I bought this bag for a summer trip, and it exceeded my expectations. I had this with me when I was poolside, in the pool, on a catamaran, during water based excursions, and all items inside remained dry! This bag also works well for non water-based activities." —Deja C.

    Get it from Dagne Dover for $25 (available in two colors). 

    9. AirFly, a wireless transmitter, that'll connect your AirPods (or any other wireless headphones) to the jack on your flight so you won't have to pay for those flimsy headphones that they charge extra for on some flights. Now, you can enjoy all the free entertainment you want.

    It also comes with a USB-C charging cable, travel pouch, keychain holder, quick-start guide, and a manual.

    Promising review: "Even with the news of Delta Air Lines adding bluetooth connectivity to IFE (on new Airbus neos for now), I honestly expect that to be flaky and would much rather trust something consistent like this. I wanted to note that I have successfully paired this with AirPods Pro 2 and find it to be fairly intuitive so far. It seems that once it has been paired, the AirFly with auto-connect to the AirPods when turned on, which will interrupt existing listening on the iPhone/Macbook. Playing audio on either of these Apple devices doesn't seem to interrupt AirFly, which is exactly the kind of functionality I expect. After I turn off the AirFly, I simply enter the iOS/Mac bluetooth menu to reconnect. So far, the handoff back and forth has been really smooth." —Ezeitouni

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99+ (available in three styles).

    10. A travel belt because you'll wonder how you managed without one for so long. This is designed to attach any bag to the top of your suitcase. You will no longer have to pull your suitcase and lug your carry-on over your shoulder at the same time. What I'm saying is, you'll have an extra hand to hold some iced coffee — you'll need some energy as you dash through the terminal to catch your flight.

    A model pushing their luggage with a bag attached to the top with a strap
    Cincha Travel

    The travel belt is adjustable to 38 inches so it will fit most bags.

    Cincha Travel is a small Cali-based business started by a BIPOC couple that makes these adjustable straps from vegan leather. The brand also donates 100 airline miles for each purchase, which are used to reconnect separated migrant families.

    Promising review: "Love this! I am constantly struggling between holding my jacket and two carry-ons. This is the perfect solution! I can’t wait to start using it when I’m back to regular business travel." —Allison

    Get it from Cincha Travel for $35.99+ (available in 19 colors).

    11. An international power converter, so you'll be able to plug in your electronics and devices in 150 countries! This is a must-have for any globetrotter. It has a 5-foot detachable power cable, four different sockets, and a built-in thermostat switch that'll automatically shut off in case of overheating, over-current, over-voltage, overcharging, or short-circuit. 

    Sokoo is a small business creating voltage converters, travel adapters, cooling fans and more.

    Promising review: "I travel frequently both for work and pleasure and always find myself laughing around a bag full of power cords and converter depending on the country I am visiting. This useful tool has saved me at least 5 lbs worth of excess luggage (a multitude of extension cords, power connectors and external plugs) by consolidating the my connection needs into one tool. This power bank comes with two plugs (you can choose configuration based on the country specific outlets) and four USB plugs. The travel bag makes it convenient and keeps it organized. This is a great investment and value for the price." —LocalistGal

    Get it from Amazon for $39.98

    12. A chic carry-on suitcase because you won't want to travel without it ever again. This genius, crush-proof suitcase has an ejectable portable battery, a hidden odor-proof laundry bag, and a compression system so you can fit a ton of stuff compactly in your bag. 

    gif of hands packing the suitcase and using the strap to tighten it
    model sitting next to the black suitcase while charging a phone from it
    July, July / Via www.instagram.com

    Promising review: "I've been looking for a carry-on replacement for some time. My last carry-on was from 2007, so it was super old and not very good. Now that I have my July Carry On, I couldn't be more pleased. It's so good from functionality to style. I love the laundry bag — it's great that I don't have to remember to take my own separate laundry bag with me anymore — and the charging is so useful. The wheels are silent and smooth — so much so that on the slightest decline the bag will 100% roll away from you. The bumpers are a bit scratched after some use, but it's hardy/designed to protect what's inside, and I accept that there will be some of that happening on long-haul flights. I really enjoy the personalization as well — I had my name and a little frog etched on the top — so cute!" —Ameeka N.

    Get it from July for $295 (available in 11 colors; plus you can add personalization for $50).

    13. A rotating hands-free phone mount that you can attach to the tray table on your flight, an arm chair, your luggage handle, or basically any surface so you can catch up on your fave show anywhere, anytime. Hey, you're on vacay — boredom is not on the itinerary.

    A phone mounted to the back of an airplane tray table
    Phone mounted on a carry on luggage handle and a chair arm

    Promising review: "I bought this nifty gadget about six months for a multi-leg, ultra-long-haul trip and it more than held up the entire duration. I was able to finagle it to fit the tray tables on different planes and like others, I find the height just nice when clamped onto a stowed tray table. It also works on my roller carry-on handle during layovers. However, I find myself using it a lot outside of travel too! Work-wise, I've clamped it onto my office desk shelving to hold my phone at eye level beside my computer. At home, I simply clamped it to a deck of cards and it turns into a versatile stand that I can place on any flat surface. Heck, I've been using it to hold my phone comfortably at eye level while watching videos in bed. It's extremely well-built and I find myself fidgeting with it all the time. Thus far it still feels solid and I don't anticipate breaking it any time soon. Even if it does break, I'll be happy to buy another one or two of it!" —Earendil

    Get it from Amazon for $12.97 (available in two colors and in a two-pack).

    14. A pack of biodegradable hypoallergenic wipes if you need to freshen up in a snap between flights. These are also great during a long road trip when you want to wash up but gas station bathrooms creep you out.

    These are made with natural tea tree oil, peppermint, ginseng, and oil and come individually wrapped, so they're super easy to stash in your carry-on.

    Promising review: "I purchased this product for a recent trip to China so that I could freshen up between flights and also so that I could clean up as needed. I predominantly used these to wipe my body between my long-haul flight and my connecting flight to a local destination. This was a nice alternative to a shower when one simply wasn't available. It just made me feel cool, refreshed, and slightly descuzzed. I'd recommend them for this purpose. As they are perfumed, I wouldn't recommend using them as a toilet wipe for fear of throwing off a critical pH balance for women, but as an overall body cleaner, they are great. :)" —Magdalene Sikora

    Get a pack of 10 from Amazon for $11.94.

    15. Lay-n-Go cosmetic bag because it easily spreads open so you can find your sunscreen in no time flat without rummaging through your bag. And, when you're done, you just pull the drawstring to cinch the bag closed. This is also perfect for a short stay at a hotel because you won't have to unpack all of your toiletries or makeup — just unfold, and you're all set.

    A model opening the bag so it lays flat with all the makeup in it
    Lay-n-Go / YouTube / Via www.youtube.com

    Promising review: "I was tired of fumbling around in my cosmetics case and saw this. I was skeptical, but...WOW! On my recent two-week trip to Europe, with constant laying out and packing up, this item was wonderful. I could find what I wanted quickly, right away. Packing up was just a matter of pulling the drawstring. At first I wasn’t sure about changing to this bag, but now I could not do without it." —Mojosharkey

    Get it from Amazon for $29.95+ (available in three sizes and 33 colors and patterns).

    16. A lightweight and compact stroller that can fit in the overhead bin on a plane so you can avoid the hassle of waiting around after your flight to get your stroller out of storage. Bonus: it'll fit easily in the trunk of a rental car or if you need to catch a cab.

    reviewer image of the stroller in grey
    reviewer showing how the stroller folds up small enough to be considered a carry on on a plane

    FYI: This was awarded a Guinness World Record in 2014 for being the most compact stroller. It can hold kids who weigh up to 55 pounds and only weighs 9.5 pounds.

    Promising review: "This is a must-have for all parents with toddlers, especially if you are going on a trip. We went to a place where they do not recommend a stroller because it’s too bulky and gets in your way. Well, using this was not a problem at all. People were amazed how this thing works, and it’s really handy. Very easy to fold. Very light and not space consuming in your trunk! Love it so much!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $199.95+ (available in three styles and two colors).

    17. And, a stroller cover so you'll be prepared just in case there's lots of unexpected rain on your trip. Your child will stay dry and protected from downpours so you don't have to dash to the nearest store to get a huge umbrella that'll likely cost a fortune and won't do a great job anyway. 

    Promising review: "A must-have for vacations. This rain cover and mosquito net was perfect for our vacation! It fit over our stroller nicely and was great for the two-day trip we took to Cincinnati as some days we used the net and one day it rained when we went to the zoo so we used the cover! The baby didn't get overheated inside and was a happy camper since he could see through it. Very easy to use and worth every penny!" —Tlake33111

    Get it from Amazon for $16.80+ (available in two styles).

    18. A waterproof Kindle because packing a heavy book just isn't ideal. Plus, you will no longer have to worry about getting a book wet or getting sand in between the pages. This Kindle has so many great features: the battery lasts for weeks, it has a built-in adjustable light, and you can download books instantly. If you love reading, it's time to upgrade because this is a game changer. 

    the author sitting in a pool with the kindle in her hand
    gif of the kindle in the water showing how it's waterproof
    Abby Kass / BuzzFeed

    Here's why BuzzFeed editor, Abby Kass, loves this:

    "^ Yes, that is me sitting in a pool in Hawaii holding my Kindle over the water without fear or stress that if it falls in, it will break. Truly living my best life. I've been an avid Kindle user for the past four years, but when I saw the new version, I knew it was time to upgrade. The main selling point is the fact that this one is waterproof. So waterproof, in fact, that it can be in up to 2 meters of fresh water for more than 60 minutes. Plus, it's lighter, has more storage, and the battery last for WEEKS. I took this on vacation with me and was so impressed. I was able to sit on the ledge in the pool and read without worrying about getting the device wet. And I even put it in the water to test, and it still works perfectly. Plus, I used it every day and didn't have to charge it the whole time I was on the trip. That gets a big gold star in my book."

    Another promising review: "I am so happy I didn't spend the money for the ad-free version. You don't even have to wait for ads to go away and they are only there when first turning on. This unit is lovely! So very easy on the eyes, much better than reading stuff on my phone. Easy to get back to your spot, select books, turn pages, look up a word's meaning, I am so happy with this reader. I can read in the bright sun or shade, the dark, anywhere at all. I got a cover for it that will stand up, its perfect. I have read more books in the past eight weeks than the past three years." —Neal

    Get it from Amazon for $149.99+ (available with or without ads, in 8GB or 32GB and four colors).

    19. A portable rain hood that you can wear with any jacket so you don't have to pack multiple options for various weather conditions. Just trust me on this, rain always seems to fall at the most inconvenient times, especially when you're on vacation. And, reviewers say it's compact enough to fit in your purse or pocket.

    A model showing what the hood looks like under a jacket. It looks like a vest attached to a hood
    A model wearing a jacket with the hood

    Promising review: "LOVE this hood! I've been looking for something like this for a long time - what a great idea!! Most of my coats and jackets don't have a hood, and this is the best way to keep my hair dry when wearing them. My hair frizzes like crazy if even one drop of rain hits it (or fog or wind) so this is definitely a must have for my wardrobe and life. I really like the way it looks too - like wearing a hoodie under a jacket but it's not bulky or hot. I can throw it in my purse or pocket and it's there to keep my hair just the way I like it. Love it, love it, love it!!!" —Terry

    Get it from Amazon for $29 (available in two sizes).

    20. A cute and practical USB port in the shape of an airplane, because you'll be able to plug four cords into one outlet just in case there are very few in your hotel.

    white usb-port with four slots that looks like a plane

    Multitasky is a woman-founded and -run small business that began in 2020 as a way for founder Julia Xu to create products that were both functional and cute. 

    Promising review: "It does as it says it does, allowing my Dell XPS15 to operate a pair of USB devices from my lightning port! The laptop has two USB ports, one of which is always occupied by my USB mouse dongle and the other by my protected USB drive. If I wanted to plug in my phone to switch data or add another thumb drive to transfer a device, everything might have to be disconnected, but not anymore. It was really worth it." —Liberty

    Get it from Multitasky for $25 (available in three colors). 

    21. Games on the Go set to help put an end to boredom and about a dozen "Are we there yet?" questions. This includes 50 different activities like guessing and memory games, trivia questions, and searching games. It'll make a long flight or road trip waaaayy more bearable.

    Promising review: "For a quick and convenient game that can literally be taken anywhere, this game is perfect! The cost was great and the games are fun, quick, and can be played by kids and adults of all ages. I would love to see families pulling these cards out while waiting for dinner at a restaurant or while sitting in the subway together rather than everyone pulling out their iPhones! These fun interactive games will get the whole family talking and playing together. Love it! I did notice that on a couple of the cards my daughter, who’s 8-years-old, had to read the card a couple of times or hand it to me to explain to her, but once I read the directions she was good to go. Overall, a great purchase!" —Julie

    Get it from Amazon for $8.42.

    22. A set of acupressure anti-nausea wristbands for anyone who gets motion sickness or nausea, so that it won't ruin your trip. I 👏 swear 👏 by 👏 these!! I used these throughout my pregnancy to help with morning sickness and I use them whenever I'm on cruise, boat, or long road trip. And, they work like magic! These are the perfect drug-free alternative to prevent that annoying feeling that you're about to throw up.

    A reviewer wearing the gray anti-nausea wristband
    Another angle of the wristband on the reviewer's wrist

    The band applies pressure on the P6 acupressure point that is said to help relieve nausea and vomiting.

    Promising review: "I wished I tried this a long time ago. I used it on a 13 hour drive. Once at Disney World, I wore them for every ride, and it was the first time I did not get nausea or sick. I was amazed. This is a must-have if you get car sick or can’t ride rides at an amusement park." —E. Kendra

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $8.53.

    23. A sand-free beach blanket because like glitter, sand gets everywhere and it's so annoying to get rid of it. This blanket repels sand, dries super fast, and it has four attached packets that you can fill with sand to weigh it down and keep it in place. 

    models sitting on a multi-colored blue blanket on a beach

    This blanket also includes four securing anchors.

    Promising review: "I recently purchased this blanket for a family vacation to Florida, and everyone LOVED it! It's lightweight, big enough for the whole family to lay out on, and the sand rolled right off. One of the things I loved most about it is that it rolled up super compact and light so it was easy to pack! When you are going to the beach with kids, you drag along a lot of equipment! It was nice that this was easy to pack and travel with. Fun fact: If you have one of those canopies to bring to the beach, this blanket fits perfectly under it!" —Megan

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in two colors).

    24. A skyline mini wallet emergency kit so you can have a stash of practical items just in case you need em' during your trip. This set includes items like lib balm, earring backs, a hair tie, a stain remover, a pain reliever, and so much more (full list below). You'll be prepared for almost anything.

    A small white faux leather pouch with a black skyline print surrounded by a mix of travel-sized toiletries and on-the-go essentials
    Anne Cate

    Anne Cate is a woman-owned small business based in Cleveland, Ohio that handmakes minimalist keepsakes with a skyline from more than 100 cities and colleges around the world!

    The kit includes a hair tie, lip balm, two floss pics, a sewing kit, bandages, emery board, two safety pins, two earring backs, a makeup wipe, two bobby pins, two mints, a deodorant wipe, a Shout wipe, a tampon, hand sanitizer, and Tylenol.

    BuzzFeed Shopping writer Danielle Healy says: "I, your resident forgetful person, bought the NYC skyline version of this at the start of COVID-19 to keep in my work tote. Unfortunately, I haven't touched my work tote in months because...*gestures at the world around*...but it's a really handy kit I know will save me a ton whenever I regularly leave the house again. Everything from Anne Cate is super high-quality. The wallet on its own is adorable and could be used for a million different things."

    Get it from Anne Cate for $25 (available in 96 skylines).

    25. A genius luggage-mounted cup caddy because you won't have to hesitate when you want to grab a snack or coffee (or a margarita!) when your trudging through the terminal with all of your stuff. Now, you'll have a place to put your drink and food.

    Promising review: "This cup holder is perfect! It helps me a lot! Last time I took a plane with a suitcase and a cup of coffee, I dropped and spilled my drink everywhere when it was my turn to check my passport and ticket. It was a nightmare! This time, I bought this cup holder to do me a favor! I don't have to worry about where my cup and phone are! I can free my hands to do other things. I love it so much! Hope you love it too." —Philip

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in 21 colors/styles). 

    26. A JetKids ride-on carry-on suitcase that any parent traveling with a child will absolutely love. Not only does it have room for storage, but it also has wheels and it's designed for your toddler to sit on and ride as your pull it through the airport. If you don't want to lug a stroller, this will be the next best thing. Oh, and it can be used as a leg rest to keep your kiddo comfy during their flight.

    It's recommended for kids ages 3–7 and fits most standard economy seats. Plus, it has an adjustable strap so you can carry it over your shoulder, a top handle, and a mattress inside that can be removed and used while in the flight. Parents have even used this product while in the airport waiting for the flight to keep their kids comfy and happy. 

    Promising review: "Traveling with a toddler is always a challenge but comfort is key and this little magic package makes the airport trip that much smoother. We can store small toys, pillow, and one throw blankets for our family of three. Great idea and great buy. We will be using this until it breaks." —TifferTheTrend

    Get it from Amazon for $229 (available in four colors). 

    You, totally ready to travel like a pro: