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    12 Times Big Government Sucked

    More government, more problems.

    1. That time you felt like you were being watched and it turns out you were right.

    2. That time when you thought those outrageous federal student loans you took out would get you a job after graduation.

    3. That time when you thought the internet should be unregulated, but Congress tried to regulate it anyway.

    4. That time you thought you were poor — until you saw what the federal government owes.

    5. That time you earned your first paycheck, only to give most of it to the government.

    6. …followed by that time when you realized you might not reap the benefits of Social Security and Medicare even though you’ve paid into them your whole life.

    7. That time we got rid of this guy:

    Only to get this guy:

    8. Every time you’ve gone to the DMV. Ever.

    9. That time Obama pulled the troops out of Iraq...

    ...and sent them to Afghanistan.

    10. That time you tried to sign up for health insurance on

    What they said it’d be like:

    What is was actually like:

    11. That time you had to decide between being felt up by this guy or go through the naked body scanners.

    12. That time when inflation made the Dollar Menu a thing of the past.

    BONUS: That time when you realized THIS GUY knows what’s up.

    Let’s face it. Government sucks, but there is something you can do to make it suck less.

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