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    The Definitive Ranking Of Will Sasso's Vines From 2014

    After taking an exact 6 month break from Vine, Will Sasso came back hilarious as ever.

    Will Sasso made his first Vine on January 31st 2013

    Considering that Twitter released Vine on January 24th of 2013 it's safe to say Will Sasso is one of the orignals, and continues to rock on.

    The last Vine Will Sasso posted in 2013 was on November 5th, after that it would be another 6 months until we saw him again #MileyCyrusAsABear

    But maybe it's actually Will who's the bear?! I mean he's the one who took a 6 month hibernation break from Vine. #WillSassoIsABear

    This past April Chris Melberger posted a Vine of himself taping MISSING posters with Will Sasso's face on them

    Here is the poster:

    On May 5th, EXACTLY 6 months since he last posted on Vine, Will Sasso reemerged onto our Vine feed

    Meet Torey, his dad bought Will Sasso's Vine account for him...TURN UP!

    Now let the ranking begin!

    14. Charlie Sheen Reading Tweets Pt. 1

    13. Carl Sagan Ordering Gelato

    12. Arnold Schwarzenegger Driving Pt. 31

    11. Arnold Schwarzenegger Driving Pt. 30

    The return of the Arnold Schwarzenegger Vines! To see the first A.Schwarz vine click here!

    10. When you get texts from a girl who's not your crush

    Torey excels in his #Relatibl Vines, and as always he's made sure to add in a piece of pop culture, a Kevin Hartt clip.

    9. Sponsored Vine!

    Featuring: A poke at all those sponsored Badoo vines, and that infamous clip of a girl falling off her coffee table.

    8. Walk into the club like MWAH! I stole a kiss!

    "Get your tickets for #ToreyCon2014 details on my Instagram!"

    Featuring: A poke at Magcon, a Macklemore clip, I stole a kiss reference, and of course a shovel fighting clip.

    7. When Corey gave up on being Torey

    If you don't recognize Corey please click here.

    6. Local TV Commercial for an Italian Restaurant in a Small Town That Has a Sexually Obscene Sounding Name

    Right off i-95 in beautiful Sawkmeighkoch!

    5. The first Will Sasso Vine of 2014

    Rich dads buying Vine accounts for their sons named Torey be like...

    4. The Digestion Song

    ♫ You take some chocolate and some lobster and some eggs and some pie

    And then you mix it in your body and shit it all out♫

    3. The Notorious B.I.G. Listing the Names of Some Video Game Consoles

    ♫Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, ColecoVision and Sega Genesis♫

    2. When you get home from school and there's no food in the house

    It would appear that Torey has mastered the key aspects of what it takes to make the #PopularPage


    What other Vine were you expecting to be number one?!

    Unfortunately Will deleted some of his original lemon vine videos but if you are unfamiliar with them you can check out the ones still on his Vine below:

    click here, and here, and click here. and again here.

    I will always love you.

    And here's when he explained why he took a break from lemon vines.

    It has now been over two months since Will Sasso has posted a Vine, has he gone back into hibernation? Will we see him again next Spring?

    Until Will makes his next appearance on Vine, here are some pictures of him as a bear to keep you happy.