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    7 Things Mark Schauer will do as Michigan's next governor

    Gov. Snyder gave businesses a $1.8 billion tax cut and balanced it by cutting $1 billion from education while raising taxes on seniors and working Michiganders - all in the name of “more and better jobs.” But as the Detroit Free Press pointed out, “While businesses have paid less in taxes, job growth is slowing. It's an astonishing outcome for a tax policy whose sole purpose was to put Michiganders back to work.”

    1. Reverse Snyder's cuts to education

    2. Repeal the pension tax and cuts to the Homestead Property Tax

    3. Cut taxes for the middle class and restore the Child Tax Credit

    4. Expand lending programs to small businesses

    5. Launch a Michigan Insourcing Initiative

    6. Strengthen and enforce “claw-back” provisions

    7. Secure Michigan’s clean energy future