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    7 High School Friends You Are Doing Better Than

    If you don't feel so hot, just take a quick look at what your high school friends are up to these days. Ate a donut when you planned on having quinoa granola? OMG. I know. Didn't update your resume, and instead binge watched the 5th season of Friends on Netflix? Well of course! Ross' hair was insane that season! Don't worry, these people will make you feel better.

    Blake Hodgkins... WAS soooo cool.

    Sarah is getting her Master's... for the third time

    This guy doesn't even consider himself a human anymore.

    James and Jessica... and Jonny, Julie, Jacob and Josh

    Mike is a high school teacher... in your old high school.

    Will went to college... to be an improv actor

    You had a crush on this guy.