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    Mobile Warming is Not a Hoax

    The facts are clear – humans are causing global mobile warming. Yep, mobile warming: society's growing addiction to smartphones. And don’t deny it, the evidence is all around us. From our desire to broadcast mundane daily activities to compulsive Instagramming, mobile devices are our digital lifelines. Still don’t believe in mobile warming? It’s okay, apparently landing on the moon was also a hoax. For you non-believers, this short video should do the trick.

    Mobile Warming: It's so hot right now!

    View this video on YouTube

    Mobile Warming -- /moh-buhl -ˈwȯr-miŋ/ n

    Society's growing addiction and reliance of mobile devices to access the Internet. The scientific community agrees this trend is due to increasing browsing speeds, better technology and the convenience of smartphones.