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    Everyone Dressed As Twisty The Clown From "American Horror Story" This Halloween And It Was Terrifying

    As if AHS didn't cause enough nightmares already.

    So you know Twisty the Clown from American Horror Story, right?

    Well a lot of people dressed up as him for Halloween, such as...

    This math teacher

    This 8-year-old

    This kid who knew where to stand to take the Creepiest. Photo. Ever.

    This Swifty Twisty

    These equally terrifying female Twistys

    This grumpy Twisty

    Some people didn't seem too scared of these Twisty impersonators and even posed for photos with them.

    Nice try, Samara, but Twisty is still scarier.

    This Twisty brings to mind a young Macaulay Culkin.

    Dressing as Twisty is quite a commitment.

    So some expressed their Twisty love with something more friendly, like this heartwarming jack-o'-lantern.

    Needless to say, it was a very Twisty Halloween.

    But we wouldn't have it any other way!