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    The 18 Most Stylish Looks From The "Mad Men" Season Premiere

    The best thing about the costuming on this show is that you'd look cool if you wore a lot of this stuff today.

    1. This Peggy Olson office dress.

    2. Megan Draper's sexy polka dots.

    3. Trudy Campbell's awesome around-the-house muumuu.

    4. The party clothes, as seen together.

    5. Pete and Trudy Campbell's loud, yet somehow coordinating, party attire.

    6. Peggy's party dress, which is sexy while also resembling a tablecloth.

    7. Roger's wife's mod print.

    8. That scary furry thing.

    9. This other great printed dress.

    10. Megan's sexy black dress, smartly paired with almost flat shoes.

    11. Megan's hair.

    12. Megan's coral dress and matching coat.

    13. Joan's fuschia floral frock.


    15. The receptionist's cute yellow pussy bow blouse.

    16. Peggy's boxy-yet-cool, and decidedly not sexy workwear.

    17. This other awesome around-the-house muumuu.

    18. Megan's great white dress with ugly-cool color blocking and matching gloves.