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A Clip From "Scrubs" That Shows The Importance Of Social Distancing Is Going Viral For Good Reason

It shows us how fast an infection can spread.

Anyone who's watched the show Scrubs knows that it can be laugh-out-loud funny at times and can also tackle tragic, real-life issues that'll make you sob.

Now, in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, one of the show's ~life lessons~ is suddenly relevant again. Naima Cochrane uploaded a clip to Twitter that shows how fast an infection can spread; it's from a 2006 episode called "My Cabbage."

WHY WE NEED SOCIAL DISTANCING, as illustrated by Scrubs.

In it, Dr. Kelso is explaining to the Janitor why he can't keep birds inside the hospital and asks, "Do you know how quickly infection spreads in a hospital?"

He continues, "Look, infection can start with a simple sneeze...

"And then a handshake...

"Perhaps an accidental collision...

"Then a simple touch on the shoulder...

"And just like that, you have a patient in trouble," he finishes.

But because Scrubs loves to tug on our heartstrings, it ended the episode with an additional lesson for it to really sink in.

An intern nicknamed Cabbage was fired from his job that day and stopped to say goodbye to an elderly patient. He had just picked up something infectious off of the ground with his bare hands.

He shakes her hand...

...and the episode ended LIKE THIS. With a "To be continued" and everything.

Wow, Scrubs, you didn't have to give us a heart-wrenching cliffhanger like that, but I appreciate the lesson. It's a great example of why we should all be practicing social distancing, so I'll take it!

To watch the full episode of Scrubs on Hulu, click here.