A Brief History Of Ken Marino Goofing Around On The Red Carpet


    There's just something about they way Ken Marino is on a red carpet.

    It's not necessarily something that can be described...

    It just IS.

    Sometimes he's full of joy.

    Sometimes he's confused.

    As if he's perplexed as to why there would be a camera on a red carpet.

    Sometimes he's just gotta sit down.

    And then there's this pose...

    (Whatever you want to call it)

    He knows the unspoken red carpet rule* about middle fingers.

    He'll pick his own nose.

    Sometimes he'll convince his cast-mates to get in on the action.

    Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images
    Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images
    Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

    Other times he'll hide behind them.

    He'll pose like a lady with Lake Bell.

    He points out the most important things.

    Sometimes he takes the whole evening quite literally.

    And one heroic time he even pulled his own finger.

    May this tradition continue on forever.