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    12 Moments That Are Too Real For Every Craft Retail Employee

    Coupons, coupons, and more coupons.

    1. When a customer ignores your greeting, and skips straight to, "I have coupons on my phone for all 23 of my 40-cent embroidery threads."

    2. And when that customer's coupons won't work on any of their items:

    3. When you catch someone trying to swap sale signs in order to get better deals:

    4. When it's five minutes to close, and a woman with 100+ sheets of scrapbooking paper comes to your register:

    5. When someone pulls the classic line: "Well, they let me do this at the other store."

    6. When someone's looking for an item without a SKU or UPC code and end up vaguely describing it:

    7. When someone slaps multiple copies of the same coupon on your counter, and wants them to apply to each item:

    8. When a customer throws a hissy fit over sales or coupons, and all you can do is watch them self-destruct in the queue:

    9. When someone tries to return Christmas items in April:

    10. When a customer stares you down and throws out the classic line, "You have coupons back there, I know it!"

    11. "The sale starts tomorrow, is there any way you can give me the discount price today?"

    12. And then, after a long day, you finally get a genuinely kind person at your register:

    Now it's time to get craftin'!

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